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  • Nodebb 3.2.0

    2 Votes
    20 Posts

    @crazycells yes, I’m aware of that. Need to fix

    EDIT- fixed. Caused by the same CSS that is used to absolutely position the “verified” group badge in the posts view. Amended this CSS so that is specifically targets the post stream as below

    li[component="post"] a[href*="/groups/verified"] { position: absolute !important; left: 8px; z-index: 2; margin-top: 1px; border-radius: 999px !important; line-height: 14px; display: block; height: 22px; margin-left: 0px !important; }
  • Whitespace fixes in Nodebb

    Solved Customisation
    7 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Panda Just circling back here with something of an update (which I think you’ll like). I’ve completely restructured the ranking system. There are now less ranks, with a higher point threshold to reach them.

    More importantly, if you reload the site, you’ll notice that the ranks are now icons.

    I also removed the “Author” badge, and made this a single icon, which (to me) looks much better.

  • 2 Votes
    26 Posts

    @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can’t fetch API:

    How did you drop that widget into the post there?
    I hadnt seen this BSgenerator anywhere on sudonix site, do you use it somewhere already?

    Yes, here

    It’s not a “post” or “topic” in the common sense. It is actually a page in it’s own right and leverages nodebb-plugin-custom-pages. This in turn creates a new “route” which behaves like a page, meaning it is then exposed for widgets.

    @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can’t fetch API:

    Also can you explain more what you mean by calling the code externally. In my API call example, how would I go about doing that?

    By this, I mean create all the required code in an external JS file that is reachable by the NodeBB instance - so, in “public” for example - or in my case /public/js. The widget then “calls” that file and because it runs outside of the scope of NodeBB, you just need to return the values to the widget.

    Hope this makes sense?

  • 4 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Panda said in Upgrade to NodeBB v3? 2BB or not 2BB, that is the question!:

    So although thats a plugin it has Widget like element and stopped working on the Theme change

    Which is normal based on the widgets being reset when you change themes.

  • NodeBB v3 Vote Icon

    Solved Customisation
    2 Votes
    9 Posts

    @phenomlab forget it, look likes good with your codes.

  • 1 Votes
    11 Posts

    @DownPW yes, because of the modifications that Sudonix uses, you’ll need to tailor to fit your needs.

  • nodebb dropdown menu

    Solved Configure
    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @phenomlab said in nodebb dropdown menu:

    @kurulumu-net You set it like the below example taken from this site


    Which presents this


    Very interesting…

    I actually thought this wasn’t possible, as I remember it being asked in the NodeBB forum.

    Is this something new that’s been implemented? I’ll 100% be doing that when I’m on the laptop over the weekend.

  • Display tweets in widget [NodeBB]

    Solved Customisation
    4 Votes
    29 Posts

    @phenomlab brilliant, many thanks Mark 😁