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NodeBB 1.19.3

Solved Performance

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  • Upgrade issues

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    2 Posts

    Use this code

    git fetch # Grab the latest code from the NodeBB repository git checkout v3.x git reset --hard origin/v3.x

    And you will have the latest version without specifying it

  • 1 Votes
    23 Posts

    @DownPW it’s your only realistic option at this stage.

  • SEO and Nodebb

    2 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Panda It’s the best it’s ever been to be honest. I’ve used a myriad of systems in the past - most notably, WordPress, and then Flarum (which for SEO, was absolutely dire - they never even had SEO out of the box, and relied on a third party extension to do it), and NodeBB easily fares the best - see below example

    However, this was not without significant effort on my part once I’d migrated from COM to ORG - see below posts

    And also

    It was painful to say the least - as it turns out, there was an issue in NodeBB core that prevented spiders from getting to content, which as far as I understand, is now fixed. SEO in itself is a dark art - a black box that nobody really fully understands, and it’s essentially going to boil down to one thing - “content”.

    Google’s algorithm for indexing has also changed dramatically over the years. They only now crawl content that has value, so if it believes that your site has nothing to offer, it will simply skip it.

  • Whitespace fixes in Nodebb

    Solved Customisation
    7 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Panda Just circling back here with something of an update (which I think you’ll like). I’ve completely restructured the ranking system. There are now less ranks, with a higher point threshold to reach them.

    More importantly, if you reload the site, you’ll notice that the ranks are now icons.

    I also removed the “Author” badge, and made this a single icon, which (to me) looks much better.

  • Smart Widgets

    Solved Configure
    3 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Panda said in Smart Widgets:

    So why is that, or conversely why would the function to expose username ever be required, as it seems app.user is already an available global object?

    It is, yes, but not if you are using it outside of a widget. The function I wrote is also historical and comes from the 2.x train 🙂

  • NodeBB: Favicon upload issue

    Solved Configure
    3 Votes
    12 Posts

    @phenomlab I am on a Mac, so I used the “Option + Command + I”, and then performed the steps. It loaded my favicon! I checked on Firefox which I haven’t used before, and it showed my favicon also! That’s fantastic and thank you for the help!

  • 14 Votes
    69 Posts


    Seems to be better with some scaling fix for redis on redis.conf. I haven’t seen the message yet since the changes I made

    # I increase it to the value of /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn tcp-backlog 4096 # I'm uncommenting because it can slow down Redis. Uncommented by default !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #save 900 1 #save 300 10 #save 60 10000

    If you have other Redis optimizations. I take all your advice

  • 5 Votes
    3 Posts


    I love it too

    @phenomlab said in Blinking text Effect:

    Has that “broken neon light” look that you see in films.

    It’s exactly that, kind of old neon signs of bar or pubs a bit cyberpunk too 😉