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[NODEBB] Help for my custom CSS

Solved Customisation

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  • 2 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Panda You’ll need to do that with js. With some quick CSS changes, it looks like this


    The colour choice is still really hard on the eye, but at least you can now read the text

  • 3 Votes
    5 Posts

    @DownPW it’s possible, yes, but you may inadvertently end up targeting other elements using the same class which of course isn’t desired.

    Can you provide a link in DM for me to review?

  • Whitespace fixes in Nodebb

    Solved Customisation
    7 Votes
    18 Posts

    @Panda Just circling back here with something of an update (which I think you’ll like). I’ve completely restructured the ranking system. There are now less ranks, with a higher point threshold to reach them.

    More importantly, if you reload the site, you’ll notice that the ranks are now icons.

    I also removed the “Author” badge, and made this a single icon, which (to me) looks much better.

  • 2 Votes
    26 Posts

    @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can’t fetch API:

    How did you drop that widget into the post there?
    I hadnt seen this BSgenerator anywhere on sudonix site, do you use it somewhere already?

    Yes, here

    It’s not a “post” or “topic” in the common sense. It is actually a page in it’s own right and leverages nodebb-plugin-custom-pages. This in turn creates a new “route” which behaves like a page, meaning it is then exposed for widgets.

    @Panda said in Interesting Widget code, but can’t fetch API:

    Also can you explain more what you mean by calling the code externally. In my API call example, how would I go about doing that?

    By this, I mean create all the required code in an external JS file that is reachable by the NodeBB instance - so, in “public” for example - or in my case /public/js. The widget then “calls” that file and because it runs outside of the scope of NodeBB, you just need to return the values to the widget.

    Hope this makes sense?

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @cagatay You should ask in the NodeBB forums. Perhaps reference this post

  • 5 Votes
    29 Posts

    @phenomlab said in nodebb chat roll dice game:

    @DownPW I still think you could do something much quicker with jQuery.

    Why not but like I said, I have no skills to do that.

    If you are motivated, why not but I don’t want to bother you especially since it will only be for a certain period of time.

  • 13 Votes
    21 Posts

    @pobojmoks that’s easily done by modifying the code provided here so that it targets background rather than border

    In essence, the below should work

    $(document).ready(function() { $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { $('.recent-card-container').each(function(i) { var dataId = $(this).attr("data-cid"); var color = $('[role="presentation"]', this).css("background-color"); console.log("data-cid " + dataId + " is " + color); $('[data-cid="' + dataId + '"] .recent-card').attr("style", "background-color: " + color); }); }); });
  • Nodebb Hashtag plugin

    Solved General
    1 Votes
    15 Posts

    @jac Great ! I’ll close this off.