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[NODEBB] Help for my custom CSS

Solved Customisation

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  • 3 Votes
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    @crazycells Agreed. It takes a more sensible approach. Nobody ever upvotes the first post - it’s usually much further down as the conversation progresses.

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    @DownPW it’s possible, yes, but you may inadvertently end up targeting other elements using the same class which of course isn’t desired.

    Can you provide a link in DM for me to review?

  • Nodebb 3.2.0

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    @crazycells yes, I’m aware of that. Need to fix

    EDIT- fixed. Caused by the same CSS that is used to absolutely position the “verified” group badge in the posts view. Amended this CSS so that is specifically targets the post stream as below

    li[component="post"] a[href*="/groups/verified"] { position: absolute !important; left: 8px; z-index: 2; margin-top: 1px; border-radius: 999px !important; line-height: 14px; display: block; height: 22px; margin-left: 0px !important; }
  • 3 Votes
    7 Posts

    @crazycells pleasure. Using percentages makes much more sense in this case. It’s the same argument with px vs pt vs em with fonts, margins, padding, etc., in the sense that em is generally preferred over px and pt

  • 1 Votes
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    @eveh Welcome board 🙂

    The code you are referring to is custom written as no such functionality exists under NodeBB. However, adding the functionality is relatively trivial. Below are the required steps

    Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-header Add the below code to your header, and save once completed <ol id="mainbanner" class="breadcrumb"><li id="addtext">Your Title Goes Here</li></ol> Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-js and add the below code, then save $(document).ready(function() { $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { // Initialise mainbanner ID, but hide it from view $('#mainbanner').hide(); var pathname = window.location.pathname; if (pathname === "/") { $("#addtext").text("Your Title"); $('#mainbanner').show(); } else {} // If we want to add a title to a sub page, uncomment the below and adjust accordingly //if (pathname === "/yourpath") { //$("#addtext").text("Your Title"); //$('#mainbanner').show(); //} }); }); Navigate to /admin/appearance/customise#custom-css and add the below CSS block .breadcrumb { right: 0; margin-right: auto; text-align: center; background: #0086c4; color: #ffffff; width: 100vw; position: relative; margin-left: -50vw; left: 50%; top: 50px; position: fixed; z-index: 1020; }

    Note, that you will need to adjust your CSS code to suit your own site / requirements.

  • 1 Votes
    6 Posts

    @Hari not sure from the consumer perspective, but Skype has been all but completely consumed by Microsoft Teams when it comes to business usage.

  • NodeBB Design help

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    @riekmedia I’ve applied some new CSS to your site. Can you reload the page and try again ?

    For the record, this is what I added

    #footer { background: #2d343e; border-top: 4px solid #2d343e; font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 70px; padding: 80px 0 0; position: relative; clear: both; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 1000; margin-left: -15px; margin-right: -338px; }

    The /categories page seems a bit messed up, so looking at that currently

    EDIT - issued some override CSS in the CATEGORIES widget

    <!--- CSS fix for overspill on /categories page - DO NOT DELETE --> <style> #footer { margin-right: -45px; } </style>

    That should resolve the /categories issue.

  • CSS Help on my Flarum

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    @mike-jones Yes, you’ll typically see this type of behaviour if there is another style that has higher priority in the sense that yours will be overridden. Using !important will override the higher preference, but should be used sparingly rather than everywhere.