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Iframely (Nodebb)

Solved Configure

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  • 4 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Panda said in Upgrade to NodeBB v3? 2BB or not 2BB, that is the question!:

    So although thats a plugin it has Widget like element and stopped working on the Theme change

    Which is normal based on the widgets being reset when you change themes.

  • NodeBB v3 Quick reply

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    4 Posts

    here is the link:

  • NodeBB: hCaptcha

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    15 Posts

    @mventures none that I know of. I don’t recall selecting these either for mine.

  • 3 Votes
    17 Posts

    @mventures Ok. No issues

  • NodeBB: Favicon upload issue

    Solved Configure
    3 Votes
    12 Posts

    @phenomlab I am on a Mac, so I used the “Option + Command + I”, and then performed the steps. It loaded my favicon! I checked on Firefox which I haven’t used before, and it showed my favicon also! That’s fantastic and thank you for the help!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @mventures Yes, exactly. The other icon will restart NodeBB whilst the first icon I referenced will rebuild (recompile) it.

    The huge strength of NodeBB over Flarum (for example) is that the code is precompiled, and called once at boot. PHP’s code has to repeatedly reload code from source making it much slower.

  • 5 Votes
    13 Posts
    'use strict'; const winston = require('winston'); const user = require('../user'); const notifications = require('../notifications'); const sockets = require('../'); const plugins = require('../plugins'); const meta = require('../meta'); module.exports = function (Messaging) { Messaging.notifyQueue = {}; // Only used to notify a user of a new chat message, see Messaging.notifyUser Messaging.notifyUsersInRoom = async (fromUid, roomId, messageObj) => { let uids = await Messaging.getUidsInRoom(roomId, 0, -1); uids = await user.blocks.filterUids(fromUid, uids); let data = { roomId: roomId, fromUid: fromUid, message: messageObj, uids: uids, }; data = await'filter:messaging.notify', data); if (!data || !data.uids || !data.uids.length) { return; } uids = data.uids; uids.forEach((uid) => { data.self = parseInt(uid, 10) === parseInt(fromUid, 10) ? 1 : 0; Messaging.pushUnreadCount(uid);`uid_${uid}`).emit('event:chats.receive', data); }); if (messageObj.system) { return; } // Delayed notifications let queueObj = Messaging.notifyQueue[`${fromUid}:${roomId}`]; if (queueObj) { queueObj.message.content += `\n${messageObj.content}`; clearTimeout(queueObj.timeout); } else { queueObj = { message: messageObj, }; Messaging.notifyQueue[`${fromUid}:${roomId}`] = queueObj; } queueObj.timeout = setTimeout(async () => { try { await sendNotifications(fromUid, uids, roomId, queueObj.message); } catch (err) { winston.error(`[messaging/notifications] Unabled to send notification\n${err.stack}`); } }, meta.config.notificationSendDelay * 1000); }; async function sendNotifications(fromuid, uids, roomId, messageObj) { const isOnline = await user.isOnline(uids); uids = uids.filter((uid, index) => !isOnline[index] && parseInt(fromuid, 10) !== parseInt(uid, 10)); if (!uids.length) { return; } if (roomId != 11) { // 5 Is the ID of the ID of the global chat room. Messaging.getUidsInRoom(roomId, 0, -1); // Proceed as normal. } else { user.getUidsFromSet('users:online', 0, -1); // Only notify online users. } const { displayname } = messageObj.fromUser; const isGroupChat = await Messaging.isGroupChat(roomId); const notification = await notifications.create({ type: isGroupChat ? 'new-group-chat' : 'new-chat', subject: `[[, ${displayname}]]`, bodyShort: `[[notifications:new_message_from, ${displayname}]]`, bodyLong: messageObj.content, nid: `chat_${fromuid}_${roomId}`, from: fromuid, path: `/chats/${messageObj.roomId}`, }); delete Messaging.notifyQueue[`${fromuid}:${roomId}`]; notifications.push(notification, uids); } };
  • Configure SMTP for Nodebb

    Solved Configure
    5 Votes
    14 Posts

    @marusaky based on the work completed thus far (in relation to PM exchanges), I’m going to mark this completed. Sending email from the server itself works fine without issue, and DNS appears to be clean (valid SPF, DMARC, and DKIM records).

    It appears that only Gmail marks incoming messages from your domain as spam - perhaps because of the domain age, which there is nothing we can do to prevent this. Mail delivery to all other domains appears to work fine in al of my tests.