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Fixed background to nodebb forum

Solved Configure

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  • Getting Eror When Started NodeBB

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    7 Posts

    @phenomlab yes i did.

    i deleted one of plugin then it started to work normally.

  • nodebb loading emojis

    Solved Configure
    1 Votes
    16 Posts

    @DownPW sure. Let me have a look at this in more detail. I know nginx plus has extensive support for this, but it’s not impossible to get somewhere near acceptable with the standard version.

    You might be better off handling this at the Cloudflare level given that it sits in between the requesting client and your server.

  • 5 Votes
    13 Posts
    'use strict'; const winston = require('winston'); const user = require('../user'); const notifications = require('../notifications'); const sockets = require('../'); const plugins = require('../plugins'); const meta = require('../meta'); module.exports = function (Messaging) { Messaging.notifyQueue = {}; // Only used to notify a user of a new chat message, see Messaging.notifyUser Messaging.notifyUsersInRoom = async (fromUid, roomId, messageObj) => { let uids = await Messaging.getUidsInRoom(roomId, 0, -1); uids = await user.blocks.filterUids(fromUid, uids); let data = { roomId: roomId, fromUid: fromUid, message: messageObj, uids: uids, }; data = await'filter:messaging.notify', data); if (!data || !data.uids || !data.uids.length) { return; } uids = data.uids; uids.forEach((uid) => { data.self = parseInt(uid, 10) === parseInt(fromUid, 10) ? 1 : 0; Messaging.pushUnreadCount(uid);`uid_${uid}`).emit('event:chats.receive', data); }); if (messageObj.system) { return; } // Delayed notifications let queueObj = Messaging.notifyQueue[`${fromUid}:${roomId}`]; if (queueObj) { queueObj.message.content += `\n${messageObj.content}`; clearTimeout(queueObj.timeout); } else { queueObj = { message: messageObj, }; Messaging.notifyQueue[`${fromUid}:${roomId}`] = queueObj; } queueObj.timeout = setTimeout(async () => { try { await sendNotifications(fromUid, uids, roomId, queueObj.message); } catch (err) { winston.error(`[messaging/notifications] Unabled to send notification\n${err.stack}`); } }, meta.config.notificationSendDelay * 1000); }; async function sendNotifications(fromuid, uids, roomId, messageObj) { const isOnline = await user.isOnline(uids); uids = uids.filter((uid, index) => !isOnline[index] && parseInt(fromuid, 10) !== parseInt(uid, 10)); if (!uids.length) { return; } if (roomId != 11) { // 5 Is the ID of the ID of the global chat room. Messaging.getUidsInRoom(roomId, 0, -1); // Proceed as normal. } else { user.getUidsFromSet('users:online', 0, -1); // Only notify online users. } const { displayname } = messageObj.fromUser; const isGroupChat = await Messaging.isGroupChat(roomId); const notification = await notifications.create({ type: isGroupChat ? 'new-group-chat' : 'new-chat', subject: `[[, ${displayname}]]`, bodyShort: `[[notifications:new_message_from, ${displayname}]]`, bodyLong: messageObj.content, nid: `chat_${fromuid}_${roomId}`, from: fromuid, path: `/chats/${messageObj.roomId}`, }); delete Messaging.notifyQueue[`${fromuid}:${roomId}`]; notifications.push(notification, uids); } };
  • Rotating homepage icons, gifs?

    Solved Configure
    3 Votes
    2 Posts

    @eveh It’s not a GIF, no. It’s actually a webp file so made much smaller, and uses keyframes to control the rotation on hover. You can easily make your own though 🙂

    The CSS for that is as below

    @keyframes rotate180 { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(180deg); } } @keyframes rotate0 { from { transform: rotate(180deg); } to { transform: rotate(0deg); } }

    Your milage may vary on the CSS below, as it’s custom for Sudonix, but this is the class that is used to control the rotate

    .header .forum-logo, { max-height: 50px; width: auto; height: 30px; margin-top: 9px; max-width: 150px; min-width: 32px; display: inline-block; animation-name: rotate180, rotate0; animation-duration: 1000ms; animation-delay: 0s, 1000ms; animation-iteration-count: 1; animation-timing-function: linear; transition: transform 1000ms ease-in-out; }
  • 24 Votes
    29 Posts

    @DownPW it is the second post of this thread.

  • fading in /tags page

    Solved Customisation
    30 Votes
    32 Posts

    Fix working perfectly 👍 🙂

  • NodeBB metadata

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    4 Posts

    @phenomlab said in NodeBB metadata:

    @jac Are you sure ?

    Fair enough 🤪🤪😁.

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @RiekMedia hi. Just following up on this thread (I know it’s old) but was curious to understand if it’s still an issue or not ?