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    You might want to also review this post

  • Getting Eror When Started NodeBB

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    7 Posts

    @phenomlab yes i did.

    i deleted one of plugin then it started to work normally.

  • 2 Votes
    11 Posts

    @veronikya said in mongodb replica set:

    The host’s local dns resolution is not configured. The problem of the host’s hosts being unable to be resolved in docker has been solved. Surprisingly
    Edit the /etc/resovel.conf file

    One immediate issue I can think of here is that editing resolv.conf directly is no longer supported and not recommended (because the changes do not survive a reboot) - unless you install the resolvconf package?

  • Changing H2 color

    Solved WordPress
    3 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Sala Just checked your site. This should work

    .bs-blog-post .title, .bs-blog-post .title a { color: #ffffff; }

    It’s worth noting the existing CSS, which uses variables like the below

    color: var(--head-color);

    These come under the :root section as below

    :root { --head-color: #212121; --stext-color: #000; --text-color: #718096; --wtext-color: #fff; --bg-color: #fff; --box-color: #fff; --border-color: #e2e8f0; --wrap-color: #eff2f7; }

    You can easily override these by using the CSS I provided at the top of this post, or you can change the underlying colours defined in the variables. However, taking this route may mean other objects are styled in the same way, which may not be the desired result.

  • 2 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Panda I see why - if you check the browser console, there’s an error logged there. This is from one of my VM’s


    There is a decision tree that pulls the value of the editor theme from the saved browser settings on each load, but that fails if the theme has never been changed, and the user has the default (in your case, you are using light mode, so it serves “flatly” by default, but the editor itself is never set and returns null

    This below code changes that

    /* If savedTheme is undefined it will return null - based on this, we assume that the user has the default theme selected and never changed it, so we'll need to force that here */ if(!savedTheme) { var savedTheme = "flatly"; }

    If you reload your browser and test again, it should work properly.

  • Fixed background to nodebb forum

    Solved Configure
    4 Votes
    25 Posts

    @Panda said in Fixed background to nodebb forum:

    Chatgpt told me the ::before method.

    Go figure 😛

  • Viewing Permission.

    Solved General
    12 Votes
    33 Posts


    Ah Mark you are a star. Thank you very much. I just logged on and seen someone had worked their magic 🙂

    Again it is very much appreciated.

  • 9 Votes
    32 Posts

    @DownPW said in Bottom footer navbar button extend:

    Oh my god, it’s beautiful mark

    I liked this design so much, I’ve implemented it here. I intend to do a lot more with the footer in due course, so hiding it makes a lot of sense. Thanks @DownPW for the idea and initial concept ♥