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Custom html in nodebb to prevent cache

Unsolved Configure

  • 7 Votes
    8 Posts

    @crazycells hmm. That’s odd. I haven’t made any changes from recollection but I could be wrong. I’ll need to check.

    EDIT - very strange. I honestly don’t recall adding the below CSS block to alter the bottom bar, but you’re right…

    .bottombar-nav { padding: 0px !important; }

    I’ve removed this so it reflects stock Harmony.

  • SEO and Nodebb

    2 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Panda It’s the best it’s ever been to be honest. I’ve used a myriad of systems in the past - most notably, WordPress, and then Flarum (which for SEO, was absolutely dire - they never even had SEO out of the box, and relied on a third party extension to do it), and NodeBB easily fares the best - see below example

    However, this was not without significant effort on my part once I’d migrated from COM to ORG - see below posts

    And also

    It was painful to say the least - as it turns out, there was an issue in NodeBB core that prevented spiders from getting to content, which as far as I understand, is now fixed. SEO in itself is a dark art - a black box that nobody really fully understands, and it’s essentially going to boil down to one thing - “content”.

    Google’s algorithm for indexing has also changed dramatically over the years. They only now crawl content that has value, so if it believes that your site has nothing to offer, it will simply skip it.

  • Composer options on nodebb

    Solved Configure
    3 Votes
    8 Posts

    @Panda You should be able to expose the CSS for these using F12 to get into console



    That should then expose the element once selected


    Here’s the below CSS you need based on the screenshot provided.

    .composer .formatting-bar .formatting-group li[data-format="picture-o"], .composer .formatting-bar .formatting-group li[data-format="spoiler"] { display: none; }
  • NodeBB: hCaptcha

    Solved Configure
    2 Votes
    15 Posts

    @mventures none that I know of. I don’t recall selecting these either for mine.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @mventures You’d need to connect to the server and execute it directly - not on your local terminal. Review the guide below, which will show you how to gain access via SSH to your server

    Once you have access, you’ll need to navigate to the actual folder where NodeBB is installed

    You’ll then need to change to the directory as shown below



    In most cases, initial access takes you to the root of the file system. You can always issue pwd in a Linux terminal which will show you the Present Working Directory. From there, you can issue the command

    cd /home/ubuntu/nodebb

    Once in the NodeBB directory, you’d use the below commands

    ./nodebb stop git fetch && git checkout develop && git reset --hard origin/develop ./nodebb upgrade ./nodebb start

    Line 1 stops the NodeBB instance
    Line 2 gets the latest files from GIT (repository) and then checks out the development branch. It then resets the version you are using to the development branch ready for v3
    Line 3 Runs the upgrade once the new branch is set, and code pulled
    Line 4 Restarts the NodeBB instance after the upgrade has completed

    Note that when you restart NodeBB and log back in, things will look very different to what you had in v2.

  • 36 Votes
    55 Posts

    @DownPW I see why. The code relies on the existence of


    However, this by definition means that the below has to be enabled


    It will then work


    For some unknown reason, this is hidden in Harmony, and only shows if you select it. In v2, it seems that the <section> is deleted altogether in Persona if “Quick Reply” is disabled, meaning it won’t fire as it can’t locate that specific component.

    The downside is that you might not want the quick reply function, but I think it’s a PITA to scroll up to the top of the post just to reply, so I have it on 🙂

  • Configure SMTP for Nodebb

    Solved Configure
    5 Votes
    14 Posts

    @marusaky based on the work completed thus far (in relation to PM exchanges), I’m going to mark this completed. Sending email from the server itself works fine without issue, and DNS appears to be clean (valid SPF, DMARC, and DKIM records).

    It appears that only Gmail marks incoming messages from your domain as spam - perhaps because of the domain age, which there is nothing we can do to prevent this. Mail delivery to all other domains appears to work fine in al of my tests.

  • 10 Votes
    16 Posts

    @crazycells said in creating topic specific widgets:

    Additionally if hide class exists, why are we re-defining it?

    We’re not 🤭 I misspelled it - it should be hidden