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NODEBB: Nginx error performance & High CPU

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  • Is nginx necessary to use?

    Moved Solved Hosting
    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Panda said in Cloudflare bot fight mode and Google search:

    Basic question again, is nginx necessary to use?

    No, but you’d need something at least to handle the inbound requests, so you could use Apache, NGINX, Caddy… (there are plenty of them, but I tend to prefer NGINX)

    @Panda said in Cloudflare bot fight mode and Google search:

    Do these two sites need to be attached to different ports, and the ports put in the DNS record?

    No. They will both use ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) by default.

    @Panda said in Cloudflare bot fight mode and Google search:

    Its not currently working, but how would the domain name know which of the two sites to resolve to without more info?
    Currently it only says the IP of the whole server.

    Yes, that’s correct. Domain routing is handled (for example) at the NGINX level, so whatever you have in DNS will be presented as the hostname, and NGINX will expect a match which once received, will then be forwarded onto the relevant destination.

    As an example, in your NGINX config, you could have (at a basic level used in reverse proxy mode - obviously, the IP addresses here are redacted and replaced with fakes). We assume you have created an A record in your DNS called “proxy” which resolves to, so fully qualified, will be in this case.

    The web browser requests this site, which is in turn received by NGINX and matches the below config

    server { server_name; listen; root /home/; index index.php index.htm index.html; access_log /var/log/virtualmin/proxy.sudonix.org_access_log; error_log /var/log/virtualmin/proxy.sudonix.org_error_log; location / { proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_pass http://localhost:2000; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Api-Key $http_x_api_key; } location /images { index index.php index.htm index.html; root /home/; } fastcgi_split_path_info "^(.+\.php)(/.+)$"; listen ssl http2; ssl_certificate /home/; ssl_certificate_key /home/; }

    The important part here is server_name; as this is used to “map” the request to the actual domain name, which you can see in the root section as root /home/;

    As the DNS record you specified matches this hostname, NGINX then knows what to do with the request when it receives it.

  • SEO and Nodebb

    2 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Panda It’s the best it’s ever been to be honest. I’ve used a myriad of systems in the past - most notably, WordPress, and then Flarum (which for SEO, was absolutely dire - they never even had SEO out of the box, and relied on a third party extension to do it), and NodeBB easily fares the best - see below example

    However, this was not without significant effort on my part once I’d migrated from COM to ORG - see below posts

    And also

    It was painful to say the least - as it turns out, there was an issue in NodeBB core that prevented spiders from getting to content, which as far as I understand, is now fixed. SEO in itself is a dark art - a black box that nobody really fully understands, and it’s essentially going to boil down to one thing - “content”.

    Google’s algorithm for indexing has also changed dramatically over the years. They only now crawl content that has value, so if it believes that your site has nothing to offer, it will simply skip it.

  • 3 Votes
    16 Posts

    Ah, got it working!
    I reversed the CSS addition to put z index high, and then I could see another error box saying fork title must be at least 3 characters.
    So made the new fork title longer and button responded.

  • 11 Votes
    47 Posts

    @DownPW Seems fine.

  • 3 Votes
    4 Posts

    @crazycells hi - no security reason, or anything specific in this case. However, the nginx.conf I posted was from my Dev environment which uses this port as a way of not interfering with production.

    And yes, I use clustering on this site with three instances.

  • 2 Votes
    19 Posts

    @phenomlab Work now 😉

  • NodeBB inline videoplayer

    Solved Customisation
    3 Votes
    12 Posts

    YAY! It works
    Thanks so much

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @pwsincd I think you can use userData.isAdmin = isAdmin; if I’m not mistaken - see for an example