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What plugins are being used here on Sudonix?

Solved General
  • I’ve recently started looking into NodeBB as an option for a new forum that I want to start and I have to say that Sudonix is the best implementation I have come across so far.

    Would you mind sharing a list of all the plugins that you are using?

  • @Norrad Thanks for the kind words. Here’s the list of plugins that Sudonix uses.

            * @nodebb/nodebb-plugin-beep@1.1.2 (installed, enabled)
            * @nodebb/nodebb-plugin-reactions@2.2.1 (installed, enabled)
            * @nodebb/nodebb-plugin-reputation-rules@2.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * @nodebb/nodebb-plugin-user-level@2.1.2 (installed, enabled)
            * @nodebb/nodebb-widget-board-stats@2.0.8 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-2factor@7.4.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-browsing-users@4.0.1 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-cards@0.4.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-composer-default@10.2.33 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-contact-page@1.3.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-custom-pages@2.1.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-customize@4.0.1 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-dbsearch@6.2.3 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-emoji@5.1.13 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-emoji-android@4.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-extended-markdown@2.0.1 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-gdpr@2.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-glossary@1.1.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-gravatar@4.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-markdown@12.2.6 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-mentions@4.4.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-ns-embed@6.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-ntfy@1.7.3 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-poll@3.1.2 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-question-and-answer@1.2.7 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-recent-cards@3.3.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-registration-notification@3.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-soundpack-default@3.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-spam-be-gone@2.2.1 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-sso-google@3.1.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter@3.1.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-tenor-gif@3.1.6 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-plugin-total-vote-count@1.4.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-rewards-essentials@1.0.0 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-theme-harmony@1.2.44 (installed, enabled)
            * nodebb-widget-essentials@7.0.15 (installed, enabled)
  • @phenomlab Thanks a million for the list. I’m going to install them on a test nodeBB install and play around with them.

  • @Norrad Are you looking for anything in particular? I only ask because Sudonix uses a number of custom functions which I wrote, but all are available on GitHub and fully supported here.

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  • Page control arrows for PWA

    Solved Customisation
    25 Votes
    27 Posts

    @crazycells it is, yes - I think I’ll leave it as there is no specific PWA CSS classes I know of. Well, you could use something like the below, but this means multiple CSS files for different operating systems.

    /** * Determine the mobile operating system. * This function returns one of 'iOS', 'Android', 'Windows Phone', or 'unknown'. * * @returns {String} */ function getMobileOperatingSystem() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; // Windows Phone must come first because its UA also contains "Android" if (/windows phone/i.test(userAgent)) { return "Windows Phone"; } if (/android/i.test(userAgent)) { return "Android"; } if (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(userAgent) && !window.MSStream) { return "iOS"; } return "unknown"; // return “Android” - one should either handle the unknown or fallback to a specific platform, let’s say Android }

    Once you’re in that rabbit hole, it’s impossible to get out of it.

  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Vijay-Kumavat-0 I think you’d be better off customising the plugin above to be honest. It seems like you’d be reinventing the wheel otherwise.

    I’d modify


    These seem to be the two files that control what is in the dropdown lists.

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @eeeee they are nothing to worry about, and can be ignored.

  • 6 Votes
    15 Posts

    @Hari said in Flarum SEO is worst and i still want to use it 😭:

    Flarum is coded in such a way where it tells spiders not to crawl any internal links by adding nofollow tag. How stupid this is

    Yes, I agree this doesn’t make any sense. If you compare to WordPress, then (via a plugin of course) you can set the attribute as you wish. It doesn’t make any sense to take a blanket approach. I guess I unerstand why they are doing this, but it’s not an optimum SEO methodology.

    @Hari said in Flarum SEO is worst and i still want to use it 😭:

    For few minutes i thought i should register a domain called

    They’d probably sue you for using the Flarum name in a URL 😕

  • 0 Votes
    7 Posts

    @RiekMedia hi. Just following up on this thread (I know it’s old) but was curious to understand if it’s still an issue or not ?

  • Nodebb Hashtag plugin

    Solved General
    1 Votes
    15 Posts

    @jac Great ! I’ll close this off.

  • 1 Votes
    6 Posts

    @jac said in [NodeBB] custom Gravatar image not showing:

    @phenomlab said in [NodeBB] custom Gravatar image not showing:

    @jac are you using Custom ?

    Sure am mate 👍🏻

    Confirmed Fixed

  • 3 Votes
    12 Posts

    @Sala impressive. That’s actually a lot harder than it looks. I once worked for a trading firm in the 90s and a trader came to me with a corrupted floppy disk demanding I get it to work.

    Evidently, it had all of his trading positions on it and he had no backup 😧 and he wasn’t impressed when I told him that the chances of data recovery were less than zero.