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  • 7 Votes
    8 Posts

    @crazycells hmm. That’s odd. I haven’t made any changes from recollection but I could be wrong. I’ll need to check.

    EDIT - very strange. I honestly don’t recall adding the below CSS block to alter the bottom bar, but you’re right…

    .bottombar-nav { padding: 0px !important; }

    I’ve removed this so it reflects stock Harmony.

  • 2 Votes
    6 Posts

    @dave1904 I’d start by adding a console.log function to hookData so you can see what is being returned

    return hookData; console.log(hookData):
  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @Panda as, yes, now I understand and that makes 100% sense. It means those who get down voted can still have an opinion and use common services.

    And yes, you’re right. Rather than down vote, just ignore if you don’t agree.

  • 14 Votes
    69 Posts


    Seems to be better with some scaling fix for redis on redis.conf. I haven’t seen the message yet since the changes I made

    # I increase it to the value of /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn tcp-backlog 4096 # I'm uncommenting because it can slow down Redis. Uncommented by default !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #save 900 1 #save 300 10 #save 60 10000

    If you have other Redis optimizations. I take all your advice

  • 13 Votes
    22 Posts

    Been playing with the user profile page this afternoon. Thought I’d post a video as I’m really pleased with how this came out

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @cagatay You’d target the body tag and use the below line of CSS

    background: url(/assets/customcss/backgrounds/default/default.png) no-repeat center center fixed;

    Obviously, you need to change the path to suit where your image is being stored.

    More info around the background property can be found here

  • 10 Votes
    16 Posts

    @crazycells said in creating topic specific widgets:

    Additionally if hide class exists, why are we re-defining it?

    We’re not 🤭 I misspelled it - it should be hidden

  • 10 Votes
    28 Posts

    @marusaky Good post. The real issue with Flarum is that even the most minor of changes requires a extension, which is crazy. With NodeBB, you can make changes on the fly very easily, and without too much effort.

    There is an element of learning when it comes to making changes to any platform, but Javascript is not difficult at all once you get used to it, and there’s also extensive support for jQuery (and hundreds of code snippets on the internet you can easily adapt and tailor to your own needs)

    For years, phpBB used to reign supreme - now it’s incredibly dated, and always did have the most confusing admin panel I’ve ever seen.